I've crossed paths with knitwear designers Quinton & Chadwick several times. Most recently, I saw their collaboration with Dashing Tweeds and reported on it here in a previous blog post.

Jane Chadwick and Jess Quinton came together fifteen years ago to launch their knitwear label using only British manufacturers. Their products are stocked worldwide. Both have textile, as well as fashion, backgrounds. Jess worked for Italian fashion house Missoni after graduating from the RCA and Jane ran her own label and consultancy business.

Both work hard to keep traditional knitting skills alive in the UK. They use small specialist factories in Scotland and Nottingham and a co-operative of hand-frame knitters in Cornwall. They describe the style of their knitwear as having being 'traditional modernist' and having a 'modern edgy twist on heritage knit patterns...inspired by colour and the play of scale and pattern, each new collection moves with current trends yet enhances their strong quirky graphic style.'
To find out more, or to buy their colourful knitwear, click on Quinton & Chadwick.

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