Idly I Googled and found a few fashion sites and blogs. Of these, The Sartorialist stood out and it was his photographs of men of my age at something called Pitti Uomo that gave me ideas of how I could begin to search for a style of my own. Men of all ages can look well-dressed; youth offers no great advantages as the GQ video, linked below, of this year's Pitti Uomo illustrates so well.
The Sartorialist - Pitti Uomo |
The Sartorialist |
The Sartorialist |
The Sartorialist |
Here is a link to GQ's excellent slide show of this year's Pitti Uomo, just finished. It's interesting how classical many of the styles are, or maybe laymen like me just assume wrongly that fashion people all wear wild and wacky styles. The more classical the style the more it suits an older man (in my view).
Tommy Ton's Street Style: Pitti Uomo Style:
Above and below are some of The Sartorialist's pictures that had me thinking a year or so ago -
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