I was contacted recently by Charlotte Waters who's developed an interesting tool, Squirrelist, for those of us who like browsing and shopping online, enabling us to squirrel away our finds to be dealt with properly at a future date.
It struck me as a useful idea, so I asked Charlotte to describe Squirrelist for us -
I frequently come across things in blogs, online publications or on retailers’ websites that I like, but am not able to commit to buying immediately right now for one reason or another. Sometimes it’s a lack of available funds, other times it’s because it would be perfect for someone’s birthday in several months’ time. Whenever I found something I wanted to think about buying, I would leave the tab open on my PC (not so handy when you share one with 4 other family members), email myself a link or just assure myself that this time I wouldn't forget what I saw, or where it was, or when ….. Needless to say, that didn't go well.
Frustrated that there wasn't a better solution, I created a website which allows you to create lists and, onto these, drop an image, a price and even make some notes so that you never have to waste time hunting around again to re-find the things you want. If you’re someone who is obsessed with finding the perfect trousers, you can create a list just for these and keep adding to it until you find the right ones or the best deal. You can choose whether to keep each list private or make it public if you want to create a list to give other people an idea of what you like for birthdays or Christmas. It’s totally flexible to suit how you want to use it – add clothes, holidays, books, CDs, watches, whatever takes your fancy.
Inspired by some of the great products uncovered by Grey Fox, we've drawn up a list:

To start making your own visit https://Squirrelist.com or to see this list visit http://sqrli.st/l/32c5caa62
Charlotte Waters, Founder, Squirrelist
Twitter: twitter.com/squirrelistcom
Facebook: facebook.com/squirrelist
Sounds like a good idea. I will check it out. I am always saving things and then forgetting where I have put them. Thanks