'Reinventing the slipper' is the Mahabis claim. And they have. A new concept in slippers seems unlikely, but some very clever thinking has produced a product that's useful inside and out.

The secret is the removable sole that enables them to be worn outside. I often find myself wandering out into the garden in my slippers, returning with damp and dirty footwear. With Mahabis you slip on the rubber sole before you go out and pull it off as you come back into the house. The comfortable wool upper and removable soles come in a variety of colours.
I love mine and may even start wandering the streets of London in them to save changing shoes inside and out. Highly recommended. Available from Mahabis.
Hmmm. Clever idea, but for almost the same amount of effort, you can slip off ordinary slippers and put on a pair of Wellies and have properly damp grass-proofing footwear (even a closely-mowed lawn would come over the rubber component of these, I would think).
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to touch the use of these for streetwear ... I'm sure Sarah can do a much better job of that than I :-)
I can see the utility of the concept, but looks wise...oh dear!
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of Mahabis as well. It's been a while since I got my pair and they are still looking great. Doesn't look like they'll be losing their shape anytime soon either.
ReplyDeleteJordan | www.jordanbunker.uk
Grey Fox if you are tempted to wander the streets of London in them to keep the wet off the bottom of them are you also tempted to wear spats to keep the rain off the top of them? ( only kidding - chuckle )
They look nice and are maybe a reasonable idea but I wonder if they would be a bit of a faff to put the outside part on and off. Like you I am prone to going outside in my slippers but I addressed it by buying a pair of crocs which live at the back door. Slippers off , crocs on .... don't even need to bend down. I go by the KISS way of life (keep it simple stupid ! ). Enjoying the blog , keep it up Matt
ReplyDeleteSounds like SWIMS spats for slippers. My SWIMS overshoes have saved my brogues and Oxfords from wet and mud when nipping out with the dog. I must try a pair of Mahabis